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The project will contribute to the Programme outputs under Program Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2.1 as follows: a new sustainable integrated tourist software product and a new sustainable integrated tourist service developed and pointed to bringing together the people to use innovative technologies to get acquainted with the tourist potential of the numbered districts and being interested and attracted to visit CBC region on the other site of the border. The project will contribute to the Programme results under Program Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2.1 as follows: increasing the number of tourists overnights in the CBC region with 880 ones.

Target groups:

– 64 Local public authorities: In the third focus group meeting 30 representatives of local authorities from BG districts of Montana, Vratsa and Vidin and 30 representatives from RO districts of Olt, Mehedinti and Dolj will participate to share their experience and knowledge in the process of development of architecture and content of TSA. 2 representatives of this target group of BG and 2 ones from RO who are not participants in the third focus group meeting will participate in the promotional meeting in Romania as well.

– 16 Interest groups including NGOs: In the first focus group meeting 5 representatives of interest groups including NGOs from BG districts of Montana, Vratsa and Vidin and 5 ones of RO districts of Olt, Mehedini and Dolj will participate to share their experience and knowledge in the process of development of architecture and content of TSA. 3 representatives of this target group of BG and 3 ones from RO who are not participants in the first focus group meeting will participate in the promotional meeting in Romania as well.

– 90 SME: In the first focus group meeting 15 representatives of SME from BG districts of Montana, Vratsa and Vidin and 15 ones of RO districts of Olt, Mehedini and Dolj will participate to share their experience and knowledge in the process of development of architecture and content of TSA. During second focus group meeting 20 representatives of SME from BG and 20 ones from RO as representatives of tourist objects will participate to overbuild the draft infrastructure of TSA and share their experience and knowledge. 5 representatives of the tourist objects from BG and 5 ones from RO who are not participants in the focus group meetings will participate in the promotional meeting in RO.

– 30 General public (representatives of the monasteries or other types of owners of tourist objects which are not NGOs, SME or local authorities; representatives of public institutions, museums, libraries etc. which are not numbered in the list provided): In the second focus group meeting 5 representatives of General public from BG districts of Montana, Vratsa and Vidin and 5 ones of RO districts of Olt, Mehedini and Dolj will participate to share their experience and knowledge in the process of development of architecture and content of TSA. 3 representatives of General public /as monasteries or other types of owners of tourist objects which are not SME, local authorities and NGOs/ from BG and 3 ones from RO who are not participants in the second focus group meeting will participate in the promotional meeting in Romania as well. 5 representatives of General public from BG and 5 ones from RO will participate in the third focus group meeting. 2 representatives of public institutions, museums, libraries etc from BG and 2 ones from RO who are not participants in any focus group meeting to participate in the promotional meeting in RO.